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joanofark06 (not verified)

7 years 3 months ago

All factory farmed animals are given antibiotic shots (because they live in filth), hormone shots (to make them grow fatter...faster), and are fed GMO grain, (corn mostly, about 95% of the corn grown in the US, for people, and animal feed, is GMO).
I wouldn't want any of that in me, so I pay a little more, for grass fed, with no antibiotic or hormone shot, animals. I just bought a bag of "Nature's Place" boneless, skinless, chicken breasts at Food Lion, that was on sale (a 24oz, 6 filets), for 4.07. How can you beat that? Healthy, AND inexpensive! All you have to do is look for deals, closeouts, etc...on organic foods! There's no excuse for not eating healthy! When even every loaf of bread in the grocery store, has "high fructose CORN syrup" in it, and a lot of other products, have it too you just scream..NO to GMO! (genetically modified organism...ugh!) Also, think about what a doctor would cost, and how much more organics cost, and weigh those two prices....

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