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Eric (not verified)

1 year 9 months ago

The link for the article on WebMD is broken. I looked up this concept and found the article on another site. While the claim is technically true, the reason for it is not what is implied here.

In the article, the number of calories burned is measured per mile, not per hour. If you are walking 2mph, you are walking twice for as long (time-wise) as someone walking 4mph.

Every revelation that's had in the article is just common sense. It's being worded in a way to make it look like something new. They seemed surprised that heavier people burn more calories than lighter people, but burn at the same rate when measured in calories per pound. The author makes this insane statement, "Obese people have modified their body movement so that they are energy-efficient walkers." No, that's just physics.

The point of this should have been to walk for longer periods of time, even if that means slowing down. Being active, even a slow activity, raises your metabolism. The longer, you can maintain that heightened metabolism, the more calories you will burn.

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