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Mike (not verified)

5 years 6 months ago

Perennial hibiscus bloom late in the season here in the northern latitudes, August through now, early September. Mine will be done in about a week. I always clip off the dried husks that held the flower, never saw a rebloom, not enough time in the season. Still, it's a stunning and beautiful addition to any garden if you have the room. Mine is the centerpiece. A late starter in the spring, but fills in fast by June. It's about 4' X 4' so be certain you can adjust for the full grown size, reached in about 3 years. I cut it to about 4 inches in November. I like the sticks and few dried leaves for Halloween! End of March, I cut the remaining 4 inches to the ground. Usually the sticks just break off easily. It's 9 years old now. Full sun is best. If it seems extra slow to get growing in the spring, give it a good drink for a few days in a row and it will take off.

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