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Hi Helen,

You can certainly divide the new bulbs (offsets or bulblets) from your amaryllis, but there are a few guidelines to follow. You should wait until the offsets are at least 1/3 the size of the mother bulb before removing.

The ideal time to remove offsets is any time after the foliage has died back and before the bulb breaks dormancy. To divide offsets, lift the entire plant from its container, being careful not to damage the bulb or roots. This is why you want to do it during the dormancy period. Gently remove the soil from around the bulb and roots then separate the bulblets by pulling them downward or twisting carefully. You can also use a sharp knife to gently pry them off. Each offset should have a few roots, so be careful to keep these intact. Leave any smaller offsets attached to the main bulb so they can continue to grow.

Replant offsets immediately in pots—containing a well-balanced potting mix—at least 2 inches larger than the diameter of the bulblets. Make sure to leave the top third of the offset above the soil line. You will also want to replant the mother bulb in the same pot, or repot into a slightly larger container, if desired. There should be a maximum of 2 inches of space between the bulb and the side of the container.

The pot with the offset should be placed in a sunny window and watered regularly to keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged.

Hope this helps!

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