I have a butterfly bush in the corner of my yard. It gets a fair amount of sun, and had lovely blooms earlier in the summer. We had a very early spring, so it probably bloomed earlier than normal. Unfortunately, I have found that grasshoppers are loving on the leaves of this bush - and another that I have. The leaves are chewed to lace. The bush still has new growth though. Lately, the leaves towards the bottom of the bush are yellowing. I live in UT and we have had some very hot weather. I water every day. Am I overwatering it?? I am so afraid to not water - I have killed quite a few plants thinking they were getting too much water when in fact, they were not. The soil is good where this bush is - not clay - good drainage. I do water in the evening - should I water in the morning instead? Any advice would be appreciated!!
I have a butterfly bush in the corner of my yard. It gets a fair amount of sun, and had lovely blooms earlier in the summer. We had a very early spring, so it probably bloomed earlier than normal. Unfortunately, I have found that grasshoppers are loving on the leaves of this bush - and another that I have. The leaves are chewed to lace. The bush still has new growth though. Lately, the leaves towards the bottom of the bush are yellowing. I live in UT and we have had some very hot weather. I water every day. Am I overwatering it?? I am so afraid to not water - I have killed quite a few plants thinking they were getting too much water when in fact, they were not. The soil is good where this bush is - not clay - good drainage. I do water in the evening - should I water in the morning instead? Any advice would be appreciated!!