We live Lawton OK and planted a small budleia bush (approx 12" high). It was promptly eaten by rabbits and we now have a 3' stem sticking out of the ground.(We also planted two lilac trees with the same result). Over the past 2 weeks no new shoots have appeared. Will this plant survive? Our soil is mainly clay but we did plant the bush in a good mixture of potting soil, sand and gypsum. Yesterday (5/31/16) we bought another larger plant with several branches that have several dead flowers on them. It's still in the pot. I also purchased some green metal frames that can form a square around the plant plus chicken wire to keep out the rabbits until the bush is established. We have just moved from CO to OK and this is our first shot at planting a budleia. Can you advise our next steps?
We live Lawton OK and planted a small budleia bush (approx 12" high). It was promptly eaten by rabbits and we now have a 3' stem sticking out of the ground.(We also planted two lilac trees with the same result). Over the past 2 weeks no new shoots have appeared. Will this plant survive? Our soil is mainly clay but we did plant the bush in a good mixture of potting soil, sand and gypsum. Yesterday (5/31/16) we bought another larger plant with several branches that have several dead flowers on them. It's still in the pot. I also purchased some green metal frames that can form a square around the plant plus chicken wire to keep out the rabbits until the bush is established. We have just moved from CO to OK and this is our first shot at planting a budleia. Can you advise our next steps?