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Brenda Lynn (not verified)

12 years 4 months ago

I have 2 weather questions
1. I remember back in 1963 (i believe) 1963-1965 one of those... anyway, I was about 5 years old when Camille made her way all the way up the United States then turned east into the mid atlantic. Everything was flooded and we had to leave our house. We had more than a foot of rain and a couple of people died in Amherst County, VA. I was little, so i didnt know the differnce but why didnt Camille weaken as she made landfall in the south?
2. Just one of those el nino questions you always get. When is el nino coming? Looking foward to some active storm tracks in the autumn! Thank you Evelyn, i just LOVE your blogs! I like to check the weather category very often to see what you've posted. I just like weather. Im no weather expert but i find interst in it

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