I have a Rhode Island red rooster and yes they can be mean, he's attacked me a few times. But he is also very protective of his girls. I have a Lace wing Wyandotte, Plymouth Rock and two New Hampshire reds. The reds lay almost a pinkish egg, I love them all. And what doesn't go in compost bin the chickens eat. They LOVE red cabbage. Most of the time I can hand feed my birds, go out the door and they come running to you. Take a stick with you so you can keep rooster in check. Enjoy it, there is nothing like doing a little farming. Its a blessing on Gods green earth.π
I have a Rhode Island red rooster and yes they can be mean, he's attacked me a few times. But he is also very protective of his girls. I have a Lace wing Wyandotte, Plymouth Rock and two New Hampshire reds. The reds lay almost a pinkish egg, I love them all. And what doesn't go in compost bin the chickens eat. They LOVE red cabbage. Most of the time I can hand feed my birds, go out the door and they come running to you. Take a stick with you so you can keep rooster in check. Enjoy it, there is nothing like doing a little farming. Its a blessing on Gods green earth.π