Hi, Sally: We feel your pain. Have you asked your local Subaru dealer where they might be getting in? They probably get this all the time. The glove compartment is always a main suspect in any car. Take it out if you can, to get a better look, but even if you can’t, try to cover any openings that you see in there with duct-taped wire mesh or screening, being careful not to restrict any necessary air flow. Another possibility is what is called the rear air vent grilles on either side of the tire/ trunk compartment, which let air escape when you close the car doors—but these are hard to get to. In the end, the best thing to do is to mouseproof your car as you would a house foundation: Go through the engine compartment sides (firewall between it and cabin), the trunk, and the underside of the car as best you can, and painstakingly screen off every single opening of every size. Good luck, and thanks for asking!
Hi, Sally: We feel your pain. Have you asked your local Subaru dealer where they might be getting in? They probably get this all the time. The glove compartment is always a main suspect in any car. Take it out if you can, to get a better look, but even if you can’t, try to cover any openings that you see in there with duct-taped wire mesh or screening, being careful not to restrict any necessary air flow. Another possibility is what is called the rear air vent grilles on either side of the tire/ trunk compartment, which let air escape when you close the car doors—but these are hard to get to. In the end, the best thing to do is to mouseproof your car as you would a house foundation: Go through the engine compartment sides (firewall between it and cabin), the trunk, and the underside of the car as best you can, and painstakingly screen off every single opening of every size. Good luck, and thanks for asking!