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Samantha (not verified)

4 years 4 months ago

Well, its like this. We know that when anyone, anywhere 'discovers' something, things change. Are they all good things? Not always. And although I agree with the fact that those coming to the Americas did some awful things, so did those that live here as well. If we are going to be honest here, lets be honest. Also, back then, understanding was different. Which is why things were done the way they were done. No, things were not always done well. But its like when you are new parents, you make your mistakes and as you learn and grow as a parent, you look back and see that you could have done some things differently, better... but you cannot go back and change them now, you can just go forward.
As long as we look at one another as humans with feelings and cares and that all were made equally, then we can start to move forward. There is no reason for hostility when you explain why you feel things should change, there is no reason for anger or vengeance. That does not change anything, it just makes things worse. As much as some might try, we cannot change history, it is what it is and if we try to erase it, we will end up making the same mistakes over and over again. (its like doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results)
But, if we move forward, being reminded that each person is an individual with great potential,
and great cares, and we help one another out when needed, you will see a different world then the one we even currently have. It is sad to see that some think hate towards one another will change anything. It only makes it worse. We can all work together and find grace towards one another and kindness. But it starts with you, and it starts with me. Not sparing for a fight, or picking one, but actually working at getting along. There is no need for everyone to agree on everything, that won't always happen, but we can still get along even if we do not agree. But when we push and threaten and fight, it only causes things to stay the same. And then, aren't you doing what you say you hate most about what happened in past history? As I said, if you try to erase history, you are bound to repeat it. I see it happening today in what is going on in the states. It is a very sad commentary. Hate begets hate. That will never change.

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