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Carolyn (not verified)

3 years 5 months ago

I must say a huge THANK YOU to commentor, Samantha, who left her comment on October 12, 2020. Everything she said is so true! I wish we could all read her thoughts about the founding of the Americas. I would add that I think our imbecilic government did the wrong thing in renaming Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day. They should have contacted the leaders of the Native American Tribes (both here and in Canada), allowed them to pick a day that would mean something to them as a culture, and made that day Native American Day or Indigenous Peoples Day, whatever the natives would like it to be called. Now, we Americans have just another thing to gripe about and undoubtedly it will overflow into the Native American community. The government (and others) are no doubt trying to create division in all of us, even in something as a remembrance holiday. Shameful.

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