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Hi, Katie,

Unfortunately, we aren’t aware of a weather lore saying about worm casts in July. There are others, such as “Worms descend to a great depth before either a long drought or a severe frost.” Or, “If many earthworms appear, it presages rain.”

There is one bit of folklore that says that when “common garden worms” form many casts, rain or frost will follow, depending on the season of the year. When they appear in daytime, expect rain; when in early evening, it indicates a mild night with heavy dew and two days’ fine weather.

Earthworms do tend to tunnel more deeply during a drought, likely to find a moister environment. Some scientists believe that earthworms surface during wet weather because they can travel over longer distances more easily on the surface (when it is wet) than they can by tunneling underground. Another theory is that raindrops hitting the soil surface may cause vibrations similar to those made by moles (predators of worms) digging underground. Therefore, when worms feel these vibrations, they may surface to get out of the path of the supposed moles.

On a different note, there is also a weather lore saying that if in the beginning of July ants enlarge and build up their hills, an early and cold winter will follow.

Hope this helps!

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