Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Spokane, WA

Try seeding some herbs indoors and place near a sunny window. Chives, sage, and parsley may be good choices.
Try growing amaryllis for the holidays! Plant the lower half of the bulb below the soil line in light potting soil. Water sparingly. Place the plant in bright light at 50 to 70 degrees. Once you see the stalk, rotate the pot twice a week and water to keep the soil barely moist.
Check your vegetables in storage and remove any diseased or rotting ones.
Place a cold frame over your winter vegetables.
Cover rhubarb and asparagus beds with composted manure and straw.
Place mulch around berries.
Now is a good time to plant trees and shrubs; be sure to water new plants.
Check your garden and lawn for any problems and treat them when necessary. Water sparingly from now through early spring, making sure that soil dries out between waterings.
Remove any fallen fruit from your yard and prune all dead or diseased branches.
Till any crop debris into your vegetable garden; be sure to dispose of any diseased materials.
Protect tender evergreens from the winter winds.
Tie up any loose evergreen shrub branches to protect them from ice and snow damage.
Remove mulch and tall weeds from around your fruit trees to discourage mice and other pests from hiding there.
Remove old and dead plants to help eliminate weeds, diseases, and pests in your garden.
Service mowers and sharpen blades.
Ensure that firewood isn’t stored near the house or inside.
Gardening Climate Regions