Introduction to Preserving
Making Quick Pickles
Making Quick Jams: Refrigerator or Freezer Jam
Water-Bath Canning
How to Can Tomatoes
How to Can Pickles
How to Can Jam and Jelly
Pressure Canning
Salting and Brining
Can sweeteners be used in place of sugar for making pickles? I’m sure there are diabetics who would like to know. Thanks!
I think it calls for three jalapeno peppers. Can these be excluded or a substitute? My family does not like hot or warm.
You can certainly leave out the hot peppers if you prefer. Enjoy!
The recipe states "In a large bowl, combine the cucumber slices, onions, and peppers. Sprinkle with the salt and set the bowl aside for 1 hour. Drain and discard the liquid." My question is: what liquid?
As the vegetables sit with salt, they will expel moisture. You need to drain it before continuing.
Hello everyone, I hope I can get what I am looking for. One thing I consider to be one of my fondest memories with my Granny was helping her can. We canned just about anything under the sun from jellies to veggies. With that, the love of canning is within me. I still can till the cows come home. I can things I do even like to eat because she taught the craft and I just love to do it. Granny passed away a couple of years ago. And with her we believe she took her famous (at least in our family) Sweet Garlic Pickles recipe. Although Granny and I never canned these, they were a favorite from my childhood. I cant even give any clue how they are canned let alone the ingredients. I can tell you, they were thinly (I'm talking paper thin). She did have whole clove in it as well. The name is what my mother and aunts say it was, so I have to take their word for it even though I don't remember seeing garlic in them nor did they taste like they had even a hint or garlic. But they WERE sweet. I do not know if they was just something handed down in the family or if it is an old southern recipe. If anyone can enlighten me, many thanks to you.
That sounds great--especially the childhood memory. I have a recipe that might be similar. You just mix a few ingredients and boil: 2 c. vinegar, 2 c. water, 3 c. sugar, and 2 tbsp. salt. Then pour it over 6 qts. fresh sliced pickles packed firmly in jar. Then add 12 cloves peeled garlic and a head of dill to each quarter. Twist on the lid and can it!
I've added alum to mine,it preserves that crisp snap and helps perserve them.Not much,1/2 tsp to a 3 qt. batch
how soon can you eat them?
The flavor gets better the longer you wait, but if you are really anxious, give them a try after 24 hours.