Was Valentine's Day Once Warmer?

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Edmund Blair Leighton

The Medieval Warm Period and The Little Ice Age

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When Valentine’s Day became popular in the Middle Ages, the climate was warmer than it is now. Birds mated. Flowers bloomed. And love blossomed. If it had been wintry weather, would this holiday still be the same today? Learn more about the Medieval Warm Period.

Identifying past weather patterns is always somewhat controversial, but history seems to show that a thousand years ago, the weather was very warm in Europe compared to today.

Greenland really had some green pastures, and Vikings ran cattle. During this period, springtime in Italy frequently began in mid-February.

And ever notice that poems describing the weather in England sound like sunny Italy?

Chaucer, widely considered the greatest poet of the Middle Ages, associated the feast of St Valentine with the mating impulses of birds—which were thought to begin looking for their mates on February 14.

Indeed, the feast of St. Valentine has been associated with love since the Middle Ages.

The Medieval Warm Period

The Medieval Warm Period (MWP), which roughly coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, lasted from c. 950 to c. 1250. It was a time of relatively warm conditions said to have prevailed in various parts of the world, though predominantly in the Northern Hemisphere from Greenland eastward through Europe and parts of Asia.

Possible causes of the Medieval Warm Period include increased solar activity, decreased volcanic activity, and changes to ocean circulation.

This warm period was followed by a decline in temperature levels. This was called “The Little Ice Age” because it was the coldest phase since the last ice age occurred.

A thousand years ago, European weather was very warm. 


Originally, the Romans had a mid-February fertility festival, Lupercalia, to celebrate the change of seasons. In 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius I replaced the rather raunchy affair with a saint’s day: St. Valentine’s Day.

That should have ended everything. St Valentine was a nice guy who was kind to children, helped the early Christians, and was executed on February 14. There was nothing lusty about him. (However, some legends say he healed and befriended his jail keeper’s daughter and sent her a farewell note “From your Valentine.”)

So, what do you get when you combine a romantic saint and the beginning of spring? A mushy mid-February holiday! 

By the Medieval Warm Period, societies from England to Italy cheerfully celebrated his saint’s day with villages pairing up young men and women for dances and dalliance. 

Solar Winter Has Ended

Technically, solar winter ends on February 5. This is the (darkest) quarter of the year with the least amount of daylight for the Northern Hemisphere. It lasts from November 5 to February.

We’re entering the time of year when the sun’s rays are getting stronger in the Northern Hemisphere. Between now and April, day length across the Northern Hemisphere will grow at its quickest rate.

Solar winter, the darkest quarter of the year, officially ends on February 5. 

Of course, with both our air and ocean temperatures, there is always a phenomenon called ‘seasonal lag.’ The warmth from the summer and fall months carries into the first part of winter, just like the cold from winter will carry into the first part of spring.

Even in the Little Ice Age, people noticed that the days were becoming sunnier. It might have been hard to gather flowers, but romance continued to bloom on February 14. 

Learn all about the surprisingly dark origins of Valentine’s Day!

About The Author

James J. Garriss

With an academic background in international business, James is a writer, editor and researcher for Browning Media LLC, helping to present accurate climatological projections. Read More from James J. Garriss