Beaver Moon: Full Supermoon in November 2025

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Photo Credit
Colleen Quinnell/The Old Farmer's Almanac

Watch for November's Full Beaver Supermoon!

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November’s full Beaver Supermoon reaches peak illumination on Wednesday, November 5, 2025. This is the closest Supermoon of the year! Get more information, including Full Moon rise times, why we call it a Beaver Moon, and the best days by the Moon.

When to See November’s Full Moon

The Beaver Moon reaches peak illumination on Wednesday, November 5, at 8:19 A.M. EST. It will be below the horizon at that time, so be sure to look for it on the evenings of November 4 and 5.

 Find out exactly what time the full Moon will appear above the horizon in your area with our Moonrise and Moonset Calculator.

Behold the Full Beaver Supermoon!

November’s full Beaver Moon orbits closer to Earth than any of the other full Moons this year, making it one of the three supermoons of 2025! At its nearest point, the Hunter’s Moon will be 221,817 miles (356,980 kilometers) miles from Earth… this is the closest Supermoon of the year!  

“Supermoon” is a catchy term for what astronomers call “a perigean full Moon,” which is when the full Moon happens at or near its closest point to Earth in its oval-shaped orbit. While a supermoon is technically bigger and brighter than a regular full Moon, it only appears about 7% larger—which can be an imperceptible difference to the human eye, depending on other conditions. 

As the Moon drifts over the horizon around sunset, it may appear larger and more orange—how perfect for the fall season! But don’t be fooled by the “Moon Illusion,” which makes the Moon appear bigger than it is.

Why Is It Called the Beaver Moon?

For decades, the Almanac has referenced the monthly full Moons with names tied to early Native American, Colonial American, and European folklore. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred and through all of the Moon’s phases—not only the full Moon.

The Beaver Moon

Why the “Beaver” Moon? This is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead. During the fur trade in North America, it was also the season to trap beavers for their thick, winter-ready pelts. 

beaver chewing on a tree

Alternative November Moon Names

November’s Moon names highlight the actions of animals preparing for winter and the onset of the colder days ahead. Digging (or Scratching) Moon, a Tlingit name, evokes the image of animals foraging for fallen nuts and shoots of green foliage and bears digging their winter dens. The Dakota and Lakota term Deer Rutting Moon refers to the time when deer seek mates, and the Algonquin Whitefish Moon describes the spawning time for this fish.

About the seasonal change of November, this Moon has been called the Frost Moon by the Cree and Assiniboine peoples and the Freezing Moon by the Anishinaabe—for good reason, as winter is right around the corner!

→ See more Full Moon names and their meanings.

Image: Moonrise over the Syr Darya river, Sunday, Nov. 13, 2016, Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls 
Image: Moonrise over the Syr Darya river, Sunday, Nov. 13, 2016, Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls 

Moon Phases for November 2025

Below are the times for each Moon phase this month (in Eastern Time). Click here to see the Moon Phase dates and times for your location.

Moon Phases for November 2025
Full MoonFull Moon: November 5, 8:19 A.M. EST
New Moon Last QuarterLast Quarter: November 12, 12:28 A.M. EST
New MoonNew Moon: November 20, 1:47 A.M. EST
First Quarter New MoonFirst Quarter: November 28, 1:59 A.M. EST

→ When is the next full Moon? Consult our Full Moon Dates chart.

Full Beaver Moon Video

An Almanac editor shares more facts and folklore about November’s Full Beaver Moon. Click below to watch the video.

Best Days in November 2025

Below are the best days for certain activities, based on the Moon’s sign and phase in November.

For Harvesting:

  • Aboveground crops: 4, 5, 23, 24
  • Belowground crops: 13, 14

For Setting Eggs: 

  • 7, 8

For Fishing:

  • 1–5, 20-30

See Best Days for more activities.

Moon Facts

  • Did you know: The spin-time of the Moon on its axis is identical to the time it takes the Moon to revolve around Earth, which is why the Moon always keeps almost precisely the same face toward us. Learn more about the far side of the Moon.
  • How much would you weigh on the Moon? Just multiply your weight (it doesn’t matter if it’s in pounds or kilograms) by 0.165. You’d weigh about 80% less!

Learn more about Full Moon Names and share your thoughts about this month’s Moon below! 

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann