How To Read Palms: A Beginner’s Guide With Pictures

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Introduction to Palmistry

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Did you know that your hands can reveal your basic nature? A skilled palmist can tell much about your life by studying the lines in your palms, the shape of your hands, and how your fingers bend. Curious about what your hands reveal? This introduction to palmistry will get you started.

Introduction to Palmistry

Palmistry, the art of studying the palm, aims to reveal a person’s character and other aspects of life, including possible future paths. 

It has yet to be determined where palmistry originated, but its earliest beginnings can be traced to ancient India. From there, it migrated east and west, from China to Europe, where it continued to evolve.

William John Warner (1866–1936), also known as Chiero, had a thriving palmistry practice in London, where many famous people visited him for consultations. Over the years, palmistry has continued to spread, becoming a part of diverse cultures and societies. Even the influential C. G. Jung endorsed it. 

Today, palmists can be found in every corner of the world. As with many industries, palm reading has its experts and its rogues. In some countries, such as India, the hands are studied as indicators of one’s health.

In this guide, we will look at palmists in the context of an ancient art—and make it accessible for anyone who wishes to explore!

reading the palm
A grandmother reading the palms of her grandchild. Credit: B. Milinkov

How to Read Palms

Many moons ago, I had my first palm reading by a long-haired hippie on a beach in Key West. After studying my hand for a few minutes, he declared that my bent little fingers, a family trait, meant I had business acumen and would eventually run a successful venture. 

At the time, I couldn’t imagine how this could come to fruition. I didn’t have an MBA or a passing interest in the corporate world—and none of my family members had an entrepreneurial spirit. Yet, a few years later, I started my own business, and I’ve been successfully self-employed ever since.

Reading palms is quite fascinating but also can seem intimidating. Although there is much to learn, you can begin understanding the philosophy once you know the basics. Let’s start with the lines, something you may have heard about in popular culture.

friends reading their palms
Friends reading each other’s palms. Credit: takayuki

Understanding the Lines

Have you ever heard someone mention a “long life line” and wondered what that meant? They’re referring to one of the main lines or creases on the palm.

There are five main lines: Life, Heart, Head, Fate, and Sun. Each line can reveal something about your personality or destiny. As you examine the lines, you’ll want to consider the quality of each one. Are they deep? Long? Curved or straight? Do they intersect with other lines? Analyze them carefully to glean as much information as possible.

The Life Line

In popular culture, you might have seen a stereotypical fortune teller talk in ominous tones about a “short life line.” Please keep in mind that this is a myth. Length does not determine longevity. 

The life line is easy to spot on the hand. It begins at the base of the thumb, forms an arc as it travels down the palm, and can extend down to the wrist. It does not indicate your life length but your stamina, vitality, and personal power. 

  • A long, deep life line suggests robust health, resilience, and a life filled with interesting experiences. 
  • In contrast, a faint or shorter life line might indicate someone who is easily fatigued and needs to recharge from time to time.
  • A broken line can mean a change in your life or might warn of a time when you need to be careful. 

Some folks have a double life line, which is a life line with a “sister” line close to it. This signals protection in times of harm.

The four main lines of the palm
The four main lines of the palm. Credit: Peter Hermes Furian

The Head Line 

The head line begins near the thumb close to the life line and stretches across the center of the palm. It reveals your intelligence, memory, and ability to communicate. 

  • A long, straight line indicates a strong, logical, clear mind with an excellent memory. 
  • If the line is curved, the thinking leans towards creativity with a vivid imagination. 
  • A head line that turns sharply downward can indicate pessimism.
  • A broken line might mean mental tension or a time when you “change your mind.” 
  • A faint life line reveals an unfocused mind or a poor memory.

The Heart Line

The heart line is located above the head line and begins near the base of the little finger, extending up toward the index finger. This line is associated with your emotional life as well as the physical condition of your heart. 

  • If the line swoops upward, it means you’re sensitive and emotional. 
  • A straight heart line reveals you’re more head over heart like Mr. Spock. 
  • Long lines can mean commitments.
  • Broken lines could suggest many partners, infidelity, or divorce.
  •  A deep heart line shows devotion, while a faint line might mean fickleness.

The Fate Line

The fate line runs vertically through the middle of the palm toward your middle finger. It symbolizes your life path and the role fate plays. 

  • You may have a mission or a strong sense of purpose if the line is long and deep. There may be an element of fate in your destiny or career choice. 
  • A broken fate line suggests changes or obstacles, while the lack of a fate line might indicate that your future isn’t determined by fate but by hard work instead. 
  • A double fate line means you have protection. 
  • If your fate line begins at the bottom of your palm, you discover your path early in life.

The Sun Line

The Sun line is another vertical line that runs close to the pinky. It’s also called Apollo’s line and indicates creative ability, success, and recognition.

  • If it’s long and deep, this is a powerful indicator associated with recognition and success. External forces may impact your rise if it’s close to the fate line. 
  • A faint or absent Sun line could indicate an ordinary life or that the path to success might be more challenging.
  • If it’s broken, it could mean hurdles or the “feast and famine” cycle.

The Simian Line

Some hands do not have a separate head or heart line. Instead, it’s merged into one line, which is referred to as the “Simian” line. It measures the head and heart cannot be separated, which can lead to impulsive behavior and, in some cases, aggression. In some cases, it means you march to the beat of your own drummer and may express yourself in unconventional ways.

The Mounts of the Palm

Another important part of palmistry is the “mounts,” which are the fleshy parts of the palm. Like the lines, these “pads” can tell much about a person’s character. 

  • If a mount is dominant, it shows traits that may be strong.
  • Flat spots indicate qualities that may be less prominent. 

Most hands have at least two well-developed mounts, which can balance the palm. In traditional astrology, the seven mounts are associated with the seven planets.

mounts of the palm
The mounts of the palm with names of corresponding planets. Credit: Eroshka

Mount of Jupiter

You can find the Mount of Jupiter under the index finger. This Mount shows how you function as a leader. If it’s well-developed, you might be great in an authority role. But if it’s not, you might prefer to follow. In some cases, a dominant Jupiter mount can indicate a domineering personality.

Mount of Saturn

The Mount of Saturn is located under the middle finger and is associated with responsibility. If it’s high and firm, you might be disciplined and capable of handling many responsibilities. You’re also a hard worker. If this Mount is underdeveloped, you might be rebellious or happy-go-lucky. An overdeveloped Saturn mount indicates a tendency toward melancholy or introversion.

Mount of Apollo (Sun)

The Mount of Apollo, also called the Sun Mount, is associated with success and creativity. If you have a strong Apollo Mount, you could be an artist and might achieve fame. You lean towards extroversion and may be seen as charismatic. A flat Apollo mount is indicative of a lack of creativity, while an overdeveloped one suggests a narcissistic personality.

Mount of Mercury

This Mount of Mercury can be found under the little finger and is associated with communication and business skills. If it’s well-developed, it suggests a strong communicator and successful business person. If it’s flat, it may mean introversion. Overdeveloped Mercury mounts point towards workaholism or dishonesty.

Mount of Luna

Look at the outer edge of the palm, opposite the thumb, and you’ll find the Mount of Luna. This is associated with emotions and intuition. You could be sensitive, imaginative, and psychic if it’s pronounced. An undeveloped mount of Luna suggests logic or aloofness. If it’s overdeveloped, you might be impractical and prone to daydreaming.

Mount of Mars

There are two Mars mounts: Inner and Outer Mars. The Inner Mars is located under the Mount of Jupiter, while the Outer Mars can be found between the Mount of Mercury and Mount of Luna. 

Mars is associated with aggression, passion, and courage. If these mounts stand out, you have a strong will and a brave spirit. However, you might have a red-hot temper. If these Mounts are flat, it indicates meekness. An overdeveloped mount of Mars shows an intense, overbearing personality.

Mount of Venus

Located at the base of the thumb, the Mount of Venus is linked with love, passion, and pleasure. A pronounced Mount of Venus shows you’re loving and like to live the good life. You’re warm, hot-to-trot, and sensual. A flat Mount may indicate a severe and austere personality. If this Mount is over-developed, you could be overindulgent.

The Shape of the Hand

After the lines and mounts, the shape of the hand emerges as a crucial factor in discerning personality traits. The four distinct hand shapes, each aligned with a specific element: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each plays a significant role in determining an individual’s character


Fire hands tend to have square palms with short fingers. In some hands, the fingers seem to come together to form the shape of a flame. Fire hands are firm to the touch with defined lines and often warm. Individuals with fire hands tend to be enthusiastic and energetic and have strong leadership capabilities. They are also risk-takers but need to guard against impulsivity.


Earth hands have square or rectangular palms with short fingers. Their hands are “meaty” and firm. These folks are down-to-earth, pragmatic, and reliable. They are also blessed with common sense and may enjoy working with their hands. However, they can be obstinate.


Air hands have square or rectangular hands with long, slender fingers and bony knuckles. People with Air hands are intellectual, curious, and talkative. They love to express themselves and will often “talk with their hands.” Some live in their heads, while others have a tendency to worry.


Water hands have oval palms with long, delicate fingers. Their hands tend to be soft and damp, indicating their gentle and creative nature. These hands belong to sensitive, empathic, and creative types. Artists, musicians, and healers may have Water hands. Although they are tender-hearted, they can also be moody.


Some hands exhibit a blend of elements, leading to a personality that is a fusion of two types. For instance, an Air-Fire mix may manifest as a passionate intellectual who enjoys engaging in debates.

The Fingers

There are a few other things to consider when interpreting palms. For example, finger length and shape have something to say about a person’s character and life path. 

Like the mounts, the fingers are associated with planets. Long fingers reveal a chill, sensitive personality that doesn’t like to be rushed. In contrast, folks with short fingers are always in a hurry.

The Thumb

The thumb is associated with willpower. If the thumb is long, it could indicate leadership, whereas a short one means the individual is more passive. A flexible thumb shows adaptability, while a thumb that doesn’t bend means the individual doesn’t either.

Index Finger

Also known as the Jupiter finger, this is associated with leadership and confidence. If the index finger is long, it indicates ambition. A short index finger shows humility. 

Middle Finger

The middle finger is the Saturn finger. It’s linked to discipline and duty. If the middle finger is long, the nature is serious, while a short middle finger suggests a less practical person.

Ring Finger 

The ring finger is called Apollo’s finger and is associated with creativity. A long ring finger could mean an artistic nature, while a short one may mean a logical or pragmatic personality.

Little Finger

The little finger is called the Mercury finger and is connected to communication and business skill. Long little fingers indicate business acumen, while short ones could mean struggles with self-expression or business. 


If the fingers are flexible, this shows an open-minded approach to life, while stiff fingers indicate a rigid temperament. 

Smooth versus knotty fingers

If the finger joints are smooth, the individual tends to go with the flow. Knotty fingers indicate a thoughtful nature and analytical tendencies.

palmistry hand showing zones and markings
An old palmist’s model in Milan, Italy, showing the zones and palmistry markings of the palm and fingers. Credit: Photology1971

Which Hand Should You Read?

Some palmists advise reading your dominant hand, which you have used the most and will reflect most about your life. Other palmists feel you need to consider both. 

The non-dominant hand shows what you’re born with, while the dominant hand indicates what you’re doing and how you’re growing. 

Putting It All Together

So, how do you put this all together? Simple. Begin with the lines and the mounts. Take your time and use a magnifying glass if needed. Next, examine the hand shape, fingers, joints, and flexibility. This should provide a wealth of information.
Fun fact: Your hands can and do change over time. Lifestyle factors can play a part (e.g., you work in an industry where you use your hands a lot), as can health (e.g., arthritis can lead to knotty joints). This can change the interpretations over time. For example, I have a short lifeline, but when I quit smoking, it grew and joined my fate line. Coincidence? 
Although this guide has enough information to get you started, there is much more to palmistry. Variations in lines, plus squiggles, marks, and even missing fingers, have something to say! Palmistry requires a great deal of study to cover all of its components, but if you’re patient, it won’t be long before you grasp it!


If you want to learn more, these books can help you go deeper.

  1. The Art and Science of Hand Reading: Classical Methods for Self-Discovery through Palmistry by Ellen Goldberg
  2. Palm Reading for Beginners: Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand by Richard Webster
  3. Talk to the Hand: A Field Guide to Practical Palmistry by Vernon Mahabal
About The Author

Theresa Reed

Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, is a tarot reader, author, and educator. Read More from Theresa Reed

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